BGSU Labor Trafficking Education and Research Initiative

查尔斯Cyrill, Director Marketing and Communications - Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission; Colleen Shay Murray, Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission Board Member; Sergeant Purpura, Ohio State Highway Patrol; 特蕾西·麦克金尼, 州立鲍灵格林大学; 劳拉Wilken, 州立鲍灵格林大学
查尔斯Cyrill, Director Marketing and Communications - Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission; Colleen Shay Murray, Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission Board Member; Sergeant Purpura, Ohio State Highway Patro; 特蕾西·麦克金尼, 州立鲍灵格林大学; 劳拉Wilken, 州立鲍灵格林大学


The Labor Trafficking Education and Research Initiative was created in 2024 to help fill the gap in the understanding of human trafficking, 特别是劳务贩运. 通过数据, the Initiative seeks to offer insight to enable better identification of victims, 可用的服务, 最佳实践.  


The BGSU Labor Trafficking Education and Research Initiative, 促进博天堂官方, 是否专注于收集高质量数据, 发展幸存者知情的最佳实践, 建立跨部门伙伴关系, 通过教育, 宣传, 和赋权.   


The vision is to create a leading research center for information sources on labor trafficking and to partner with those who share our mission.   


Human trafficking is one of the fastest-growing criminal enterprises plaguing our world today. While human trafficking has existed in all parts of the world as an unseen crime for centuries, it is becoming more widely recognized in the United States with a particular emphasis on sex trafficking. Understanding that both sex and labor trafficking exist and even co-exist in some various forms of exploitation, it is imperative that not only research but awareness and a better understanding of the issue of labor trafficking is performed to truly help address the complex, multi-faceted needs of human trafficking survivors.   


  • WBGU PBS劳拉·威尔肯, assistant clinical professor and coordinator of the RN-BSN program at 州立鲍灵格林大学, talks about her work in building awareness of human trafficking
  • WTOL新闻: Training healthcare workers to treat trafficking victims
  • BGSU新闻: BGSU professor leads statewide conversation on human trafficking awareness
  • 《博天堂官方网站》: Turnpike celebrates customers through an appreciation event



In 2005, the International Labour Organization (ILO) globally estimated an average of about 2.4 million victims of human trafficking at any given time. More recent research on forced labor would indicate the problem's scope to be much larger. In 2012 utilizing newer and more advanced statistical methodology the ILO estimates 20.9 million people are forced into labor in jobs they cannot leave due to being coerced or deceived. This estimate if averaged would mean worldwide, 三分之一,000 persons are forced into labor at any given time.   

According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (2023) “Nearly every country in the world is affected by human trafficking as a point of origin, 中转或目的地, and victims from at least 127 countries have been reported in to have been exploited in the United States. Human trafficking is a regional as well as a domestic crime, with victims trafficked within their own country, to neighboring countries and between continents. 例如, victims from East Asia have been identified in more than 20 countries throughout the world, 包括在欧洲, 美洲, 中东, 中亚和非洲(第5段).   

人口贩卖是一项人权, 社会正义, and public health issue impacting each one of us, 如果不是直接的, 间接. While we as a nation have made great strides over the last decade to better understand the issue of sex trafficking, labor trafficking is still widely underrecognized, 博天堂官方网站不足,误解很大, leaving not only front-line identifiers with limited tools for identifying and reporting, but survivors with limited support and resources.  

