BGSU Firelands 常见的阅读

Watch Putsata Live TONIGHT, April 3, 2024 at 6:30 PM via ZOOM!

Zoom Meeting ID: 854 5024 1954


Livestream: Putsata Reang 妈妈和我 Author Speaks

What is the 常见的阅读?

The 常见的阅读 is a tradition at BGSU Firelands designed to bring together students, 工作人员, and community members to learn, 讨论, and engage in a singular, impactful book and its associated themes.

Participants shall honor the uniqueness of other’s points of view and appreciate the opportunity to learn from others.  The 常见的阅读 Committee hopes this is a positive experience that supports one’s academic and personal goals.

关于 the 2024 常见的阅读
妈妈和我 By Putsata Reang

当 Putsata Reang was eleven months old, her family fled war-torn Cambodia, spending twenty-three days on an overcrowded navy vessel before finding sanctuary at an American naval base in the Philippines. Holding what appeared to be a lifeless baby in her arms, Ma resisted the captain’s orders to throw her bundle overboard. 而不是, 在降落, Ma rushed her baby into the arms of American military nurses and doctors, who saved the child's life. “我有希望。, 只是一点点, you were still alive,” Ma would tell Put in an oft-repeated story that became family legend.

多年来, Put lived to please Ma and make her proud, hustling to repay her life debt by becoming the consummate good Cambodian daughter, working steadfastly by Ma’s side in the berry fields each summer and eventually building a successful career as an award-winning journalist. But Put's adoration and efforts are no match for Ma's expectations. 当 she comes out to Ma in her twenties, it's just a phase. 当 she fails to bring home a Khmer boyfriend, it's because she's not trying hard enough. 当, at the age of forty, Put tells Ma she is finally getting married—to a woman—it breaks their bond in two. In her startling memoir 妈妈和我 (FSG/MCD May 2022), Reang explores the long legacy of inherited trauma and the crushing weight of cultural and filial duty. With rare clarity and lyric wisdom, 妈妈和我 is a stunning, deeply moving story about love, debt, and duty.

Themes Presnted in the 常见的阅读
  • 难民身份    
  • Generation and Culture Studies
  • +同性恋群体身份
  • 继承了创伤
  • 幸存者的内疚
  • Cambodian Civil War and Genocide
  • Filial Duty and Family Roles
  • 归属感
  • Journalism and Storytelling  
Putsata Reang

Putsata Reang is a foreign affairs journalist who has lived and worked in more than a dozen countries including Cambodia, Afghanistan and Thailand. She worked as a reporter for major metropolitan newspapers including the San Jose Mercury News and The Seattle-Times before moving abroad to train journalists in investigative and political reporting in conflict and post-conflict countries. Putsata is an alumna of writers residencies at Hedgebrook, Mineral School and Kimmel Harding Nelson, as well as the Jack Straw Writers Program. She has received grants from Washington State Artist Trust and the Alicia Patterson Journalism Fellowship. Her writing has appeared in the New York Times, Politico, Ms., the Guardian among other publications and she has been anthologized in essay collections that highlight women’s and Khmer voices. Putsata lives with her wife in the Pacific Northwest.

Updated: 04/03/2024 10:01AM