What to ask my Peer Leader

Peer Leaders assist and guide new business students as they prepare for college and throughout the first semester. Here are some sample questions to ask Peer Leaders:


  • What do I need to do to prepare for Orientation and move in day?
  • What should I bring when I move in?
  • Should I bring dress clothes to college? What clothing will I need?

  • What supplies should I bring to the first day of class?
  • Where are my classes on campus?
  • What are some good general education classes I can take?
  • How do I know what textbooks to purchase for class?
  • What is Canvas?
  • How does Canvas work?


  • How do I address my professor?
  • How do I meet professors outside of class?
  • Why is it important to make relationships with my professors?
  • How do I communicate with professors about class concerns?

建筑 & 设施

  • Where is the Business Hub?
  • What do business students do there?
  • What are on the different floors of the library?
  • What can the Learning Commons do to help me?
  • Do they have tutors for all classes?
  • Where is it located?
  • Where are some good places to study?

Social Media

  • What are some of the different apps that BGSU offers?
  • What are the benefits from following the Dean, the Schmidthorst College of Business, and PLP on Facebook and Twitter?


  • How does the meal plan system work?
  • What are some good ways to meet other people in the Schmidthorst College of Business?
  • Where do I find out about BGSU and Schmidthorst College of Business Scholarships?

Updated: 03/27/2023 04:35PM